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Can the Public be Trusted?
(On contract with CUP, Expected End of 2024)

Yuval Feldman

Experimental Analysis of the role of Empathy
in Contract Interpretation

Ori Katz & Yuval Feldman

Comparative Analysis of Persuasion Styles in Covid Compliance

Or Cohen Sasson & Yuval Feldman

What Exactly is Intrinsically Motivated Compliance?

Michael Goldboim & Yuval Feldman

Competition and Dishonesty

Eyal Pe’er & Ronit Montel Rosenberg & Yuval Feldman

Should corporations play nice?

Hajin Kim & Yuval Feldman

Voluntary Compliance Consistency across regulatory domains

Jonathan Slater, Mikaella Assoulin & Yuval Feldman

Self Regulation A Systematic Review

Libby Maman & Yuval Feldman

The Danger of Puffery in Sustainability Reports: An NLP approach

Hajin Kim, Ronen Feldman, Ningzi Li & Yuval Feldman

The risk of Personal Relations as legal compliance motivated (invited paper)

Ayala Sela, Michael Goldblum & Yuval Feldman

Proportionality and Cross Domain Predictability: on the Limits of Past Behavior

Ori Aronson. Orly Lobel & Yuval Feldman

Systematic Review of Self Regulation's Efficacy

Libby Maman & Yuval Feldman

Betrayal vs. Hallo Effect in Public responses to misconducts of Top ESG companies

Hajin Kim & Yuval Feldman

​Honesty Pledges in Competitive Environments

Ronit Montal-Rosenberg,  Eyal Pe'er & Yuval Feldman

Mandatory vs. Voluntary Drafts and Ultra Orthodox Motivation

Neta Barak Koren & Shelly Robinson & Yuval Feldman

Dishonesty in High Sakes Decision

Eyal Pe’er & Ronit Montel Rosenberg & Yuval Feldman

The role of tax morale on actual tax compliance: A meta-analytical review

Jonathan Slater, Matthias Kasper, Ewout Meijer & Yuval Feldman

The Spillover Effect of Various Regulatory Approaches On Prosocial Behavior

Jonathan Slater, Tami Kricheli-Katz & Yuval Feldman

Revisiting Intrinsic Motivation in Behavioral Equity

Michael Goldblum, Henry Smith & Yuval Feldman

Cross Validation and Predictability of Sustainability reports

Hajin Kim, Ronen Feldman, Ningzi Li & Yuval Feldman

NLP approach to Leaders Pleas for Public Cooperation during Covid

Or Cohen Sason & Yuval Feldman

The Ethicality of Group vs Individual Big-Data Predictors of Voluntary Compliance

Ori Aronson, Orly Lobel & Yuval Feldman

Text Mining Approach to Puffery and Hypocrisy in sustainability reports of Publicly Traded Companies

Hajin Kim & Yuval Feldman

Public Preferences for Pledges vs. Affidavits

Rinat Markovitch-ikhh Hilo, Eyal Pe'er & Yuval Feldman

Cheating as a Second Language

Eyal Pe’er & Rinat Hilo Markovitz & Yuval Feldman

Identification and Involvement

Eyal Pe'er, Dan Arieli & Nina Mazar & Yuval Feldman

A Meta-Analysis of Crowding Effects on Pro-Environmental Motivation

Jonathan Slater, Shaun Larcom, Ewout Meijer & Yuval Feldman

Cross Cultural Predictability of Voluntary Compliance

Mikallea Assulin, Julia Elad Sternberg & Yuval Feldman

The Promise and Perils of Equity in contracts

Ori Katz & Yuval Feldman

Can we Trust Polarized Societies?

Libby Maman, Tom Tyler & Yuval Feldman

Mandating Social Enforcement

Koen Vorst, David Levi Faur, Rinat Markovitz & Yuval Feldman

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